Calvin Meets Paula Abdul

Calvin Meets Paula Abdul

In 1988 I first heard of Paula Abdul the singer and fell in love with her.

In 1991 on my 16th Birthday I heard Paula Abdul sing RUSH RUSH for the first
time.  Sweet 16th indeed.  I did get to see Paula Abdul later on that year
on her Under My Spell Tour, I had really bad seats and did not see her up
close, and ever since then I have always dreamt of meeting Paula and
speaking to her.

I always wondered if I would get to meet Paula Abdul by writing Ricki Lake,
Oprah or another talk show to meet Paula but always felt that I would not
feel right doing so although I have always wanted to meet the artist who
most inspired my life in a most positive way.

May 7th, 2004 I finally was able to meet Paula Abdul in my hometown of
New York City.

I arrived very early at Toys R' Us, Times Square NYC to make sure I was
positioning myself in a good spot where I would not be first nor last but
somewhere comfortable to meet her and admire her while she said greeted her other fans.

When I first got a small glimpse of Paula, I could not believe that she was in front of my eyes and not an image from a poster or television screen.  I saw some of Paula's most loyal fans on the line with T-shirts of Paula's photograph and a some with Paula's jewelry on, this was my type of crowd.

When it was my turn to meet Paula, I was star-struck and my voice cracked a
little as I introduced myself to her.  "Oh my God, Paula, I am such a huge
fan of yours.  I am such a fan that I was inspired to get this tattoo in
your honor" and lifted up my sleeve to reveal to Paula my tattoo.

Paula's beautiful face went into a shocked look. "Wow, Oh wow.  Look!
That is my album." she said, and I did not know what else to do, but the photographers were able to snatch up a photo of her and I as I showed off the tattoo to Paula.

I must say that I was so honored to be in front of Paula, and told her that I
also owned a cast of her hand that I bought at an auction which left her
impressed, and she looked at me dead in the face and said "Oh you're such a
doll" and we embraced and I gave her a quick peck on the cheek.  And I moved on.

I was so touched and inspired by this union between Paula and myself because I have always dreamt of this moment and it was so surreal. I am happy to know that Paula Abdul is not an act, that Paula Abdul really is a genuine and blessed human being. Paula Abdul has an inner beauty as well as outter beauty that she's blessed to give people all over a piece of that for them to cherish. Paula Abdul, my own American Idol. - The Official Paula Abdul Fan Site
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